Contact Us

Contact Us

Uganda Management Institute, Jinja Rd, Kampala,
P. O. Box 129741, Kampala. Tel: 256 752 456789 or 256 774 114555,
Email: [email protected] Website:

Office Location
Uganda Management Institute, Office C5, Hostel Block

Get in touch

We’re here to answer your questions and listen to your suggestions.

UEA President

Mr. Matthew Lubuulwa
[email protected]

(256) 772 467-698

General Secretary

Mr. Vicent Ssenyondo
[email protected]

(256) 757 864-748

The Uganda Evaluation Association (UEA) is a professional body that brings together monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practitioners and emerging evaluators to promote best practices in evaluation, build capacity, and advance knowledge in M&E across Uganda. UEA hosts conferences, training workshops, and networking events for its members and the wider evaluation community.

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The UEA President

Matthew Lubuulwa

A seasoned Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, with extensive experience in M&E, research, Information technology, public finance and public investment management, Agri-business Value chains, strategic planning and education for sustainable development.

How to become a Member of the Association

Networking, and Career Development Opportunities

Training Videos