About Us

UEA Background

The UEA was founded in May 2001 and formally registered in 2002 as a professional organization and the national chapter of the African Evaluation Association. It unites evaluation practitioners from government, academia, and the private sector…..read more

Strategic Plan

This is the second five year Strategic Plan (2020/21-2025). Our mission is to promote the M&E practice and use, through advocacy and capacity building partnerships among
development actors, for results oriented development….read more

Membership Profile

The total individual paid up members for 2023 were 101 and 40 aligned to institutions giving a total sum of 141 paid up members. The number of Paid up Membership has stagnated compared to members on our different platforms who were in excess of 1600 by November 2023.

Key Result Areas


Enhanced Institutional Development

The plan provides a clear roadmap for establishing a robust knowledge management system that allows members to access, share, and utilize evaluation-related resources and best practices effectively; Promoting policy and action research; Building the capacity of UEA as an organization remains a key priority, ensuring that it can effectively support its members and meet the growing demands of the M&E field in Uganda.


Enhanced M&E Profession & Advocacy

The plan provides for the promotion and advocacy for standards and best practices; Promoting internships; Strengthen the monthly Evaluation Talks; Promotion of Continuous
Professional Development (CPD) initiatives in
M&E among members; Hold bi-annual Uganda Evaluation Weeks; Advocate for certification of evaluators like it
is done in other professions.


Actualize the Resource Mobilization Strategy

UEA aims to build on its past successes and innovate to leverage opportunities, primarily relying on traditional funding sources such as government, member contributions, grants, and merchandise sales. The RMS provides a vision and actionable priorities for public and private sector resource mobilization rooted in the  local contexts, to support the Plan’s objectives and enhance Uganda’s development approaches.


Grow Partnerships & Collaborations

To develop a partnership strategy, identify potential partners and increase visibility and funding sources; establish networking platforms; sign & implement MOUs.


Nurture & promote the YEEs

Mapping YEEs in Uganda, Engage in collaborative professional
development offerings; Operationalize YEEs Uganda as the governing body for the YEEs in the country.


Capacity building for practitioners & YEES

Efforts focus on equipping members with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) practices through continuous professional development initiatives.

Partnerships and Collaborations

By partnering with government agencies, academic institutions, international organizations, and the private sector, UEA is able to expand its reach, access valuable resources, and stay updated with global trends and innovations in M&E. These collaborations provide opportunities for knowledge exchange, joint research, and capacity-building efforts that benefit both the association and its stakeholders. Additionally, strong partnerships enhance UEA’s ability to influence policy, advocate for evidence-based decision-making, and contribute to the development of more effective evaluation practices in Uganda and beyond.

The UEA President

Matthew Lubuulwa

A seasoned Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, with extensive experience in M&E, research, Information technology, public finance and public investment management, Agri-business Value chains, strategic planning and education for sustainable development.

How to become a Member of the Association

Networking, and Career Development Opportunities

Training Videos